Edge finishing

Depending on the finish and the dimensions, the cut edges of the stainless steel strips can be mechanically processed either in a procedure on our long parts machine or subsequently on our special rounding and rolling machines.

The following edge finishes are available depending on the dimensions and material:

Keyfacts concerning Edge finishing

Stainless steel
0.10 – 6.00mm
4 – 300mm
differing thickness and tolerances on demand
DIN EN ISO 9445-2:2010 on demand
Edge finish
bk - sharp edge rolled
gk - Cut edge
sak - chase rounded edge
wak - roll rounded edge
sk - special edge
Surface protection
Paper intermediary layer
Deep draw or protective film
Laser film

* Attention, the availability of the diffenrent edges depends on the requested thickness and width. So please ask us if the requested edge is feasible in combination with your demand.